Monday, September 10, 2012

In The Name of Fashion....

NYC Fashion Week; a place where 'no one' is 'someone' and 'someone' is anyone. There are no moving subtitles (unless you're ADR (Anna Dello Russo) I'm pretty sure she does have her own moving subtitles)  to differentiate the 'no ones' with good style (aka the million bloggers like myself) from the people society (and by society I mean the fashion world) has whimsically dubbed high up enough in the fashion food chain to be 'someone' - whatever that social construct even means! It's an era where anyone can access anything at any time. The person who started a fashion blog last week could be exposed to thousands of people world wide with just one snap of a camera shutter, one upload of a photo, one click of a mouse.  No doubt even as little as five years ago the 'elite' world of fashion was not so accessible to just 'anyone' (who owns a computer (and has high speed internet!)!) It was not as easy to get your name; your brand out there. But now it's easy right? To have a blog, to post something on YouTube; to become famous in 5 minutes! However, with technology and global access comes more competition. So has anything really changed? Has gaining success become easier or harder? Or just a result of random mathematical anomaly; if the right person happens to click on my blog today; if I happen to run in to the right person today. I guess the one enduring thing is that you are in control of doing the work, putting yourself out there and seizing any opportunities that may arise and the rest is up to fate (or chance or whatever you want to call it!) The rest will follow....
(and maybe there are more important things in the world than a fashion blog (gasp - she didn't just say the unthinkable did she?!) like... perhaps.. (envision a beauty pageant contestant from miss congeniality saying the following:)'world peace'! 

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